Formerly, Wanita Melayu Boleh is just an ordinary street painters in the city of Bandar Hilir in A'Famosa, Malacca. However, after Melayu Boleh work hard and climb various challenge, this Boleh Malays now have been proud when his name is now famous as the city concerned. Wanita Melayu Boleh is known as Wan Zaidah Wan Ibrahim aged 44 years. This Boleh Malays love to paint in the school again. Due to too love to paint, ear Wan Zaidah been drawn by the English teachers because the painting when his teacher regarding teaching. Paintings continue to develop talent, when he worked at several firms including the firms in an animation.
Anak Melayu Boleh said, yearning to become a street painter arise because he knows when the job is not to give satisfaction. "The desire is to be the stronger when I met veteran performers, Dahlan Zainuddin who challenge me to paint in the Masjid India if I truly interests painting. I then presume to paint in the Masjid India every Saturday and Sunday which is when not working," said Melayu Boleh. Boleh malay enjoyable beginning to paint in the street when getting the income even though the quality of the paintings when it is still low. He then acquainted with a painter, Zulkainain find that the more a painter, Hajah Suria. "Introducing them to the cause I decided to stop working and become a full time painter at the Central Market in 1994," he said.
Melayu Boleh is then developed wings outside Kuala Lumpur, when making the decision to paint in the City of A'Famosa, Banda Hilir, Melaka since 2005. About the painting to its mastery, Wan Zaidah never learn in high research institutions, depending on the talent to become the demonstration and teaching two friends namely Hajah Suria and Raja Muhamad. Being a street painter indeed challenge and have a lot of allegations, and things that recognized Wan Zaidah own. But, this Melayu Boleh proves that Orang Melayu as a woman or a man Boleh successful in the field their involve. "I ever enter hall policy, the abuse and the kick in the face just because the paint fight. But this is not directly weaken the spirit of my street to be a painter," he said.
Selling paintings hop has become a regular in the story of a street painter, but he does not criticize the least and deject mother to three children. According to the Melayu Boleh, though the income as a street painter is not stabilized, but the career did not cause any problems for him to maintain his family. Income as a street painter that foster children since the death of her husband. He is recognized as a portrait painter who uses colored pencil and pastel. About the price of each painting, Wan said Zaidah, each painting a portrait depends on selling to size, black and white or color. "A portrait painting can be sold at a price between RM18 to RM470. However, it relies to a painting. If it is difficult and take a long time to prepare them, most likely he sold a little expensive," said Zaidah.
Melayu Boleh only requires the between 10 to 15 minit to prepare for painting the portrait painted directly. In fact, painting a portrait in the same order can be prepared in two or three days only. Until now, thousands of paintings was sold Zaidah Wan and encourage speech.